Let me just be up front with you,
this idea was STOLEN!
Well, at least modified.
For Valentine's Day the oh so adorable Kate from
made this heart pizza.
I copied her then too.
The Cuban Cowboy loved showing off his left overs.
You know those construction guys are easily impressed.
I thought that I should bless him with lovely leftovers again,
so I grabbed out my star cookie cutter.
Picked up my Costco Pizza
and together
they went to work.
Really, does anyone need that much pepperoni?
This is a great way to get rid of some,
plus it cuts back on the calories.
Woo hoo for that.
I cut each star out,
since Costco pepperoni is super thin it is easier to cut if you stack multiple pieces.
Easier and faster.
Then I began to place them in the pizza
'til it looked all pretty like this.
Bake that bad boy.
Sizzlin' goodness awaits only minutes later.
If you feel bad about tossing all of that excess pepperoni,
you can do as I did and save it for an antipasti salad the next day.
Muah hahahahaha
Okay, not really.
Just cheap.
Lots of love.
Go be festive for your kidlets
and leave the hubby some left overs
so that he can show off how much his wifey cares.