Welcome back to our adventure through boy spaces.
Today we are going to move outside of the
bedroom and into the bathroom.
Yes! This needs to be a fun and cute place for the kiddos too.
We only have two bathrooms in our house, so when it was getting time for Monster to start brushing his teeth on his own, and playing in the tub once or twice daily,
we knew that our martini clad guest bath had to go.
I knew this was extra true because
our wall border had drink recipes on it.
That had to go before he reads.
So, last summer we began the mild overhaul.
The walls were already a wonderful bright green here.
This just meant that I needed to pull down the wall paper border and put up a new one.
What went with lime green?
I just kept thinking.
We almost went with Toy Story,
but since the movie had just come out
I didn't want to be so cliche.
I was still thinking about it when I stopped by a local store called Fallas y Parades.
While I was there I stumbled upon these here towel sets for $3.
That was it!!!
NEMO was going in the bathroom.
Like many, I am not keen on the licensed stuff
being slapped all over my house
or my kids clothes.
With this in mind, I didn't want Nemo overload.
I needed to look for a wallborder,
so that I wouldn't have to repaint.
However, didn't really like any of the Nemo ones.
Then I saw this wall border online.
I liked that although it was licensed Nemo,
it didn't actually have Nemo or Dory on it.
It had Bruce and his shark pals.
WAY awesome.
Okay, wall border check.
What next?
We needed a new toothbrush holder and those sort of things.
I picked these things up at Target.
A little hand towel rack at Ross.
Several months after redecorating the bathroom,
I found the Huggies flushable wipes case with Nemo on it
and I was SOOOO very excited.
Flushable wipes are a must with toddlers.
Naughty Roly Poly. You shouldn't be in there. |
Next I moved Monsters diaper caddy
from his bedroom to the bathroom
so that it could serve as a magazine holder
as seen below atop the toilet.
What was left?
We needed to get a shower curtain and a rug.
I picked up the cool Circo brand shower curtain at Target.
I loved that it matched without being Nemo.
The rug was easy.
I really liked this Nemo one.
The art work above the towel rack
was made from some thrifted stuff.
If you previously missed the tutorial post
you can click here.
Last but not least I created these Land of Nod knock off typography pieces.
They are one of my favorite things about this room.
You can find out more about them here.
And, since they are so dear to me,
I am giving away a set today.
If you would like a chance to win just follow these rules:
You must be a follower of RockNRegalia to enter.
Just leave me a comment about this post.
Let me know about your Boy Spaces.
Talk about this giveaway on your blog, twitter, or facebook account (1 entry each)